CNR create INOPIA.
INOPIA. Open, like water

INOPIA is an open-source software designed by the Water Research Institute of the National Research Council of Italy to help identify early warning indicators of water scarcity.

The tool assists Water Utilities to manage in a sustainable and shared vision the water resources, simulating possible solutions to supply water - even when scarce - for each use and evaluating the impact of climate change on water availability.

Start updating your contribution and projects' progress for good!
Data for Good, the dashbords

SD-WISHEES puts a strong emphasis on communicating, disseminating and exploiting the findings and progress of all its work packages. To efficiently support its widening ambition, all partners are using the Data for Good dashboarding tool which tracks and can verify all of SD-WISHEES' progress and achievements.

We invite you to check out to know more on how SD-WISHEES supports widening strategies and directly contributes to the sustainable development goals.