SD-WISHEES Thematic Annual Programming action – TAP

The objective of a TAP is to facilitate alignment and coordination of national or regional research’ programs by creating an international network of projects cooperating on a same topic.

The TAP action planned in SD-WISHEES aims to connect national/ regional projects, enhance international cooperation, allow an alignment between national and regional programs, and to share knowledge, methods, approaches, results and data in the thematic area of protection of cultural heritage in response to hydroclimatic extreme events.

Organising a TAP action can be structured in 5 main phases:

  1. Selection of a scientific thematic
  2. Identification of potential participating countries/ regions
  3. Establishment of the Terms of References (ToR) with a highlight on:
    • Objectives of the TAP
    • Thematic and sub-thematics
    • Expected impacts
    • Calendar
  4. Selection of the projects at the national or regional level by funding agencies
  5. The networking and actual collaboration between the projects. Specific collaboration activities are delineated in a work plan, agreed by all participating projects.

The SD-WISHEES consortium is currently working on the implementation of this action and is looking for countries and regions that might be interested in participating. At the moment, France, Romania and Moldova have agreed to take part in the activity. This TAP action will provide a unique opportunity for the creation of a long-term collaboration between researchers and participating countries/ regions, allowing the reinforcement of international collaboration through enhanced sharing of knowledge and better exchange of data, knowledge and methods

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Mapping Water-Climate-Cultural Heritage Links: Insights from SD-WISHEES WP2
landscape of dry earth ground and viaduct, extreme drought in Entrepenas reservoir, in Guadalajara, Castilla, Spain Europelandscape of dry earth ground and viaduct, extreme drought in Entrepenas reservoir, in Spain Europe