SD-WISHEES annual general assembly in Paris, France

Last November (2023), over 30 members of the SD-WISHEES consortium had the opportunity to meet for the second time in person in Paris, at the headquarter of ANR, the French National Research Agency

The 3-day annual general assembly meeting, which was available also online, gave the participants the opportunity to discuss the progress of the first tasks of the project such as the stakeholder mapping and the literature review on the project’s topics: innovative tools and strategies for collaborative, inclusive, and sustainable management of cultural heritage threatened by hydroclimatic extreme events.

The Work Packages and tasks leaders updated the consortium on the progress and implementation of activities and share common challenges, obtaining support and advice from each other.

The delegates showed a deep involvement in discussing a common vision to improve the external and internal communication, through dedicated small group sessions on communication strategy.

Representatives from Water4All and Cultural Heritage JPI participated to the third day of the meeting, presenting to SD-WISHEES partners the work carried out in their initiatives in the themes of water security and cultural heritage.

Following this productive general assembly, all partners are ready for an exciting new year for SD-WISHEES.

Venice location and its intricate waterways  make it particularly vulnerable to rising tides and heavy rainfall (Foto credits: Dylan Freedom on Unsplash)
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Charting Innovation Pathways: Enhancing Market Uptake of R&I Outcomes in Cultural Heritage Adaptation to Hydroclimatic Extremes – Insights from WP6 Desk Review and Roadmap Development
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