On June 30th, 2023, THE Sustainability Event – powered by GSES & Friends – took place in Amsterdam and attracted close to 300 people.

During the inspiring event, SD-WISHEES’ Work Package 4 leader, Oriane Wiser, presented the project SD-WISHEES to a diverse audience regrouping stakeholders of the Dutch and European climate space. It was a great occasion to raise awareness on the importance of CSAs and other funding programs under Horizon Europe, as well as explaining the importance of preserving tangible and intangible cultural heritage – a topic too often omitted when discussing the impacts of climate change.

Oriane Wiser GSES’ Program Manager, presents the project SD-WISHEES

Oriane, GSES’ Program Manager, presented the list of partners to highlight the inclusion of widening countries, stressing that the geographical presence of the partners would help SD-WISHEES in its ambitions to widen and connect research and innovation on the topic of cultural heritage and hydroclimatic extreme events.

Stay tuned to hear more about SD-WISHEES and its outreach!