SD-WISHEES workshop at the 10th World Water Forum
20,000 delegates and participants from 160 nations attended the 10th World Water Forum, the largest international meeting in the water sector co-hosted by the World Water Council and, for the 2024 edition, by the Republic of Indonesia on the island of Bali. SD-WISHEES was seen to be present at the Forum, organising a workshop on“Extreme...
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SD-WISHEES and its Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA)
Given the widening aims of the SD-WISHEES project, we have incorporated a human rights-based approach (HRBA) into the KPIs and design of the entire programme. The HRBA is an internationally recognised approach for being more inclusive and sustainable, anchored in a system of rights and corresponding obligations established by international law. This includes all civil,...
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Overview of the SD-WISHEES Project
SD-WISHEES stands for “Supporting and Developing WIdening Strategies to tackle Hydroclimatic Extreme Events: impacts and Sustainable solutions for cultural heritage” and it is the acronym of the project officially launched in January 2023. SD-WISHEES is a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) gathers 16 partners from 11 countries – 6 of which are  widening countries. The...
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SD-WISHEES: Supporting and Developing WIdening Strategies to tackle Hydroclimatic Extreme Events: impacts and Sustainable solutions for cultural heritage
Heritage is defined by UNESCO as “our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations” – it is who we are and what shapes our identity. But cultural heritage does not refer only at monuments and collections of objects (tangible culture): it also embeds intangible culture...
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CNR’s Coordination of the SD-WISHEES Project
Within the SD-WISHEES project, the Water Research Institute of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), as the Coordinator, leads the Work Package (WP) of management of the consortium. CNR coordinates administrative, human, legal and financial resources of the project along with the relations with the European Commission as the granting authority of activities. CNR...
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Mapping Water-Climate-Cultural Heritage Links: Insights from SD-WISHEES WP2
The second Work Package (WP2) of the SD-WISHEES project aims to identify the main Research & Innovation (R&I) needs on the water-climate change-cultural heritage links within the European Research Area (ERA) and, therefore, drive the strategic planning of the collaboration across Europe and in widening countries, especially in the Balkans and Africa. During the first...
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SD-WISHEES Thematic Annual Programming action – TAP
The objective of a TAP is to facilitate alignment and coordination of national or regional research’ programs by creating an international network of projects cooperating on a same topic. The TAP action planned in SD-WISHEES aims to connect national/ regional projects, enhance international cooperation, allow an alignment between national and regional programs, and to share...
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Unlocking Impact: A Year of Milestones in Communication and Dashboards for SD-WISHEES
In the dynamic landscape of SD-WISHEES, Work Package 4 (WP4) holds a horizontal role as it is responsible for the Communication, Dissemination, and Exploitation across the entire project. As we reflect on the strides made in 2023, WP4 emerges as a powerhouse of achievements, shaping the narrative and impact of SD-WISHEES. Communication Plan Unveiled: A...
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Understand barriers that prevent borderless cooperation in R&I programmes dealing with cultural heritage threatened by hydroclimatic extremes
WP5 has as objective the reinforcement of the European Research Area, the single, borderless market for research, innovation and technology across the EU, by helping countries be more effective together to protect cultural heritage from hydroclimatic extremes, whose impacts are expected to be exacerbated by climate change as well as by anthropic pressures. In the...
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Charting Innovation Pathways: Enhancing Market Uptake of R&I Outcomes in Cultural Heritage Adaptation to Hydroclimatic Extremes – Insights from WP6 Desk Review and Roadmap Development
WP6 has been designed to identify practices and means of enhancing and widening the market, regulatory, and societal uptake of R&I outcomes with a particular emphasis on those enhancing the science-policy-society interface. The primary objective is to identify and examine pathways, along with associated instruments and activities, designed to facilitate the uptake of R&I outcomes...
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